Today was absolutely gorgeous, so we took a picnic to Longwood Gardens. I deliberately left my camera at home so I could just enjoy the time, and it was nice. We walked a bajillion miles, because I was totally convinced that a certain path would loop back around to the children's garden, but it dead-ended at some construction barriers, so we had to double back. My legs are sore, my it was a good day.
Managed two HADA projects after we came back, though. Finally took down the Christmas lights on the front porch (yeah, we're *that* family). Then I dug a trench below my drain pipe and filled it with stones so my garden doesn't flood every time it rains. Together, those projects took about an hour.
Then I did a bunch of stuff for our Girl Scout badge ceremony this week. Oh, and I also baked bread and made muffins in there somewhere.
Tuesday, April 7
I was watching my friend's kids for a few hours this morning, so I didn't expect to get much done, but they entertained each other relatively well, and I was able to get a few things done after all. We scrubbed and dried and filled our new-to-us sandbox, and assembled and filled the water table that Valerie had won at an event over the weekend. We even partially cleaned out the van looking for the plug to the water table, so that's a good start, there, too. And we managed to finish all of the Passover leftovers at lunch, which isn't exactly a HADA thing, but it felt like a huge accomplishment!
My mom gathered ALL the recyclables from the side porch so they could go to the curb, and straightened up and swept the side porch when she was done. It hasn't looked this nice in ages! That was one of my "list" projects, and I'm excited to be able to cross it off. I'm going to be sad when my mom leaves tomorrow. Managing this family almost seems possible when there are two of us cooking and cleaning and washing up!
At some point today, I got super-optimistic and started cleaning the metro shelves in the living room. They are supposed to store the kids' board games, but they have become more of a dumping ground for anything that I want to stick out of reach of John Wallace. I put a folding table in the middle of the room, and starting pulling everything off the shelves. Then John Wallace woke up from his too-short nap. Today was definitely one of those "pick away at it a little at a time" days, but I was finally able to dig in and finish it tonight, after going to a Girl Scout Service Unit meeting and getting groceries.
I'm trying not to think too much about the next few days. There is something large-ish on the calendar every day, and there is no downtime on the horizon for me before Sunday evening. I'm praying that I can keep plugging away at the most necessary things, not catch the cold that everyone else in my family is suffering from, and get some decent sleep at night.
And, on that note, I am going to go to bed.
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