Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hour-a-Day April 2013

Ah! It's April tomorrow!

Sorry for the total lack of warning, but I am doing Hour-a-Day April again this year. Life is crazy right now: We moved to a new house in a new town last weekend, this weekend was Easter with all the chaos that comes with holidays, my mom is visiting from Canada, and oh, I'm 22 weeks pregnant with baby number three. On the one hand, I would have a perfect excuse(s) to NOT do HADA this year, but on the other hand, I'm surrounded by still-packed boxes and have a long list of "new home" tasks, and I need HADA this year more than ever.

I'm tired from a busy day, and don't have a lot of energy to write a long post, tonight, but I wanted to check in and say, "Hey, this is totally happening again, please join me!". I think I will basically follow last year's rules again this year, which can be found here. I probably won't be updating Twitter this year, since I have basically abandoned my Twitter account, but there is a HADA group on Facebook if you'd like to keep up over there.

Here's to a productive month!

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